Search the Web
Below is a collection of freely available resources that may help you find some information. Keep in mind that this is public information and unlike a database, it isn't being checked for validity. That's YOUR job. Need help with that?
Use the C.A.R.D.S test - see below.
Take a look at this PowerPoint that helps you know how to evaluate websites.
How do you know if your website is any good??
Do the
C.A.R.D.S Test
Can you find the author/sponsor of the information? What are their credentials? Education? Experience? Affiliations?
Can you find an "about us" or "contact us" link? Does it give more than an email address? That is, is there a phone number or postal address to contact for more information?
Do there appear to be errors on the page (ie. spelling, grammar, facts)? These kinds of errors not only indicate a lack of quality control, but can actually produce inaccuracies in information.
Do they cite the sources of their information?
Is the source free from any sense of bias?
Is the information free of advertising or clearly separated from it?
Is it easy to find the copyright date?
Are there dates for when it was written? When it was last revised?
If there are statistics, graphs and/or charts, is it clearly stated when the data was gathered?
Is the information based on primary or secondary sources?
Are there links to other sources that would score high in this CARDS evaluation?
Source: "Evaluating Websites" by Gulf Coast State College Library (2013) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (CC BY-NC)