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Creative Commons
What is Creative Commons?
Creative Commons is a way to license work without the restrictions of copyright. Creative Commons encourages sharing by telling you ahead of time what can and cannot be done with their work using little icons. There are over 300 MILLION pictures alone that have been using Creative Commons. Not to mention there are tons of sounds and videos as well.license
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What is the Public Domain?
The Public Domain means that no one holds the rights to that particular item. This is because the copyright protection has expired OR it was created by a government agency OR the creator decided to automatically enter it into the Public Domain. You won't find as much variety as Creative Commons and many of the items are old, but there are absolutely no rules for what you can and can't do. So happy searching!
Check out all of these
great resources for image finding.
What is Fair Use?
Copyright lasts a long time. (The lifetime of the creator + 70 years!) Sometimes you have no choice but to use something that has copyright protection. For example, if you're a reporter doing a news story or if you're a comedian odds are you probably need something that is protected by copyright. As teachers and students, we often need to reference copyrighted material in order to teach you about it. These things are called "FAIR USE". But it's complicated...
Four Factors of Fair Use:
the purpose and character of your use.
the nature of the copyrighted work.
the amount and substantiality of the portion taken, and.
the effect of the use upon the potential market.
Video created by Media Education Lab, Temple University.
Go ahead...check these links out!
Need some copyright-free pictures for
your project?
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